About Katrina

About Katrina Born and raised in Titahi Bay, New Zealand, picture of Mana Island with cartoon sheep, Friends, two teddy bears with arm about each other Boogie and disco ball, family, Katrina Dorman and Matthew Pogson Port Stephens beach tomaree Mountain at sunrise from Bagnals Beach Nature dolphin surfing  wave, Fishing with dolphin and chasing fish, Indoor plants, selection of plants in sunlit room, Dog mom, Katrina and Cookie, Gardening picture of Hibiscus Flower Nurse Nav About Me collageBorn and raised in New Zealand I am grounded in Kiwi values of equality, fairness, togetherness, innovation, a good laugh and hard work.

Nursing was a great career choice for me, as I care a lot about people, I'm compassionate, wholehearted, empathic, intuitive, honest, open, a good listener, really like to be good at what I do for others, quick learner, organised, enjoy lots of variety and have a fast moving brain good for solving puzzles and pinpointing what's really going on!

Training in New Zealand first introduced me to Holistic Health while studying Māori Health philosophy or Hauroa.  Māori view wellbeing in four dimensions, if one of them is impacted either the person or the collective will be unwell. 

  • Physical Wellbeing – health, called Taha Tinana
  • Mental & Emotional Wellbeing - self-confidence, called Taha Hinengaro
  • Spiritual Wellbeing - personal beliefs, called Taha Wairua
  • Social Wellbeing - self-esteem, called Taha Whānau

Whare Tapa Wha - Maori Wellbeing model of health Using the house as an analogy, the four walls each represent a dimension of of health: Taha Hinengaro Mental and emotional health, Taha Whanau - extended family health, Taha Wairua spiritual and and social health, Taha Tinana physical health  If any one of them is impacted, the roof (wellbeing) will not be stable

Understanding this model opens perspectives to see beyond just the physical ailment.  Maintaining a healthy human being is an exquisite mix of many facets each unique to the person.  Often I have been able to make the difference by seeing and acknowledging these other dimensions.  

I am a keen supporter of many approaches to healthcare: Functional Medicine, Lifestyle Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Energy Medicine, Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Traditional Medicine, there are many more.

I love being a nurse and believe there is an art to it.  20+ years of practice helped me develop and fine tune the abilities of how to care for people from all walks of life, ages, places stages of their health journey which often are some of the most vulnerable times in their lives. I see my work as a privilege and strive to do the best by my patients, honouring the person they are with their own sovereignty, needs, preferences, journeys, expectations, fears, values, etc.  I never presume to know everything, or what you want.

My love of learning, curiosity and deep need to get it right and helped me build a broad understanding of various clinical conditions. My view on healthcare needing to be holistic to take care of the whole person, as we are not robots and one size does not fit all.  What 'experts' think may be right for you, might not be what you want.  

I feel responsible for using every skill I have and deeply want to make a contribution.

My goal is to create a business that helps you or a loved one, get what they need from the behemoth of a healthcare system to get through care that takes care of all their holistic needs.    



We don’t know everything about health for human beings, the more we discover we realise we do not have all the information about what makes someone healthy or sick yet.  There more we learn the more we realise we don't know.  For example, modern research regarding the gut is discovering that our unique microbiome has a direct link to the brain through nerve pathways.  This is opening new highly effective treatments for many mental health disorders that by focusing on supporting the gut and the microbiome improves the mental health condition.

Each one of us is so exquisitely uniquely complex in ways we are just discovering and can benefit from multiple treatment options. 

Our lifestyles are evolving way faster than we are designed to cope with -technology, stress, our diets, screens, etc.

In my observation, when things go wrong in a person’s life due to illness, disease and trauma, it produces an opportunity for to re-examine “what’s important” in our lives, including the opportunity to take better care of ourselves (diet, exercise, stress, sleep and relaxation, relationships) to support our holistic well-being.