Health Coaching
Health coaching - What is it?
- One on one support to identify and achieve health goals
- Providing learning opportunities
- Helps you surpass prior results
- Makes reaching goals faster and easier to get than if you were working on your own
When would it be good to get a coach?
When you want:
- To make it easier to change
- New results you haven’t been able to get before
- More power and control around your health and well-being
- To nail that new habit or diet
- More motivation
- Help finding solutions
- Help to get started
- Have had enough of the old you and know the new you is ready
How does Nurse Nav coach?
A Nurse Nav health coach is an highly skilled Registered Nurse, who will provide customised health education, use motivational interviewing techniques to get you started or increase motivation, building your confidence and breaking through barriers to achieve long term change.
This is a relationship partnership based on trust, focused on what's important to you: your values, needs, concerns and goals.
Through insightful questioning and inquiry, we explore how you see the world, what goals you want to achieve, what motivates you.
We then map out some small, achievable goals that work to build your confidence and competence within yourself. This generates momentum which leaves you feeling empowered.
Your new future health starts to open up.
Ongoing support helps you stay on track, manage breakdowns and troubleshoot any new obstacles or sabotage.
These small goals go on to create new patterns and habits which becomes something you will start to do automatically, bringing light and ease.
Results you dreamed about and some you didn't even know you wanted surprise you.
Then you get to know yourself differently, you are empowered, motivated, restore your integrity, grow your self-esteem and get (feel) a little bit taller!
We celebrate along with you all the way - you choose if you are ready right now.
Designed to support You within your current health team (General practitioner/Doctors, Allied Health Professionals, Alternative Practitioners). Does not replace these health practitioners.