Having a health crisis, overwhelmed and don't know where to start?
Feel like you are just too complex, too far gone, hopeless and people are going to judge you?
We believe that you are simply a human being with a unique story and you just need someone to listen and understand. You need someone who is caring, kind and astute enough to help you find a way to life you can enjoy. Someone you can trust, is backed by a professional code, with loads of clinical experience, non-judgemental and practical and able to provide revolutionary solutions to your problems.
Are you ready to want to get back in the drivers seat, back in control and back to health?
Nurse Nav can do just that with Nurse Nav MAX - It's high end, highly tailored just for you where you are at right now and we bring your family/carers with you. Using all our skills, knowledge and expertise in coaching, advocacy, health system navigation we will support you intensively so you can make big changes you know you have to, but just can't even imagine what that might look like or how you are going to even start.
We stand by your side and help you navigate your way through whatever maze or sinking sand you are in and get you out.
Because this is a highly customised service prices vary depending your needs. Call us for a chat and we will assess what you want, need and prefer. It’s entirely up to you.
This could look like the following:
- A really thorough assessment of your needs, values, preferences and goals.
- Co-creating a robust, careful plan of what you want that is reviewed weekly to make sure it evolves with you
- One on one coaching using various modalities to find that inner spark again and stay on track forming better habits and work for you
- Customised, up to date, complete information
- Support your holistic needs including being open to complimentary alternative medicines and therapy's
- Support you find answers to common questions of Why me? Why this? What do I do now? What first? What questions should I be asking?
- TLC - supporting your psycho-social needs
- More time and attention – up to 2 hour sessions
- Holding Family conferences so your family can support you
- Advocating on your behalf to help you get what you need
- Guidance to: find the right people to support your health & help to find them
- What to do while waiting
- Alternatives
- Out of the box solutions to your personal situation.
- Address gaps in services and support available
- Help you master new information and symptom management. Research options available.
- Help your team collaborate and share information
- Keep you from unnecessary presentations to the Emergency or Admitted to hospital with clear GP guided action plans so you can manage at home
We believe everyone is unique and therefore so are you, your health journey and solutions must be customised to support you.
Get piece of mind, improve your quality of care and make better decisions that work for you.