1) I am not sure what I need .  Can I just have a chat with you first to see if you are able to help me?

Yes; would love to hear from you, first 20 minutes are free!

2) I am not from NSW – could you help me in other parts of Australia? 

Yes - we can use Zoom, Skype, Facetime, or phone. If I can’t help you, I might be able to give you support to find someone locally who can.

3) I am a bit worried about what kind of advice you give and I don’t want to upset my doctor.  Can you give me any reassurance?

Yes, of course.  Being worried about upsetting your doctor is understandable.  They have been overseeing your care and know you well. 

Most doctors welcome the introduction of support for you from an external source.  This is an intensive support for you, which allows you the space and time to get clear on your health goals and improve your health, which ultimately supports them and makes their job easier.  Being time poor, they do not have the time to help you in this way.  Furthermore, we generate a “Plan of Action” – Your doctor can use this as a “CarePlan” for which they can bill medicare for. 

As a Registered Nurse, I am bound by a Code Of Ethics and abide by National Standards for Registered Nurses, upheld by the Nursing and Midwifery Board in partnership with AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioners Registration Authority). Make and enquiry here.

As part of the registration, I am required to have Professional Indemnity Insurance and meet guidelines for keeping up to date undertaking Continuing Professional Development in relation to my practice.